Splace 03 Exhibition

Monsterfurcht and the splace of fear.

Monsterfurcht is part of the splace03 magazin. The topic is fear and if you want to read the english version, there is one, so just open the magazin and click EN at the bottom. There are tons of interesting articles and games to play. It works the best on a tablet, but online is also okay, so no worries. My old bachelor film is at the end in a little online gallery space, but was also in exhibition in real life, and I am here today to share my impressions of the Opening Ceremony!

I had the honour to draw my little monster and the little girl on the wall, and in the middle of the drawings was a TV, where you could watch my old film from 2012. It was a bit embarrassing, because today I would do so much completely different. I know I didn’t had much time then and it is a nice little film, my first digital Animation, but even so, just knowing what I would do different today makes it a little bit weird. Despite that I am really happy, that the film is shown again. It was a dear project with the help of some good friends back then.

Monsterfurcht from Tanja Kris on Vimeo.


The opening ceremony of the splace 03 magazin was on a nice evening, it was really warm
and I think pictures are worth a thousands words, so take a look 🙂 and see some amazing works.

For more information take a look into the splace magazin
or visit their facebook page 😉